This is a film about sex! From the first moment the production company logo flashes on the screen, we are immersed in a world of moans and gasps that herald what is to come: a raw, unashamed pleasure quest. Babygirl drops us squarely into Romy’s story. An unfulfilling sex life in her marriage leaves her wanting something more. Frustrated by monotonous and unsatisfying encounters with her husband Jacob, played by a subtly impressive Antonio Banderas, Romy embarks on her own pleasure quest. Using sex not just as a plot device but as the driving force that shapes every aspect of the film’s narrative, director Halina Rain provocatively and relentlessly delves into the complexities of human desire and the psychology of a woman willing to lose it all. Stream latest thriller movie on Flixtor movies
Romy’s quest to understand her “baser needs”, as she later describes it, becomes a journey of self-discovery that leads her to her past, power relationships and sense of identity. As Romy reflects on her past, she begins to unravel the complexities of her desires and actions. In her career, Romy has always wielded her power with confidence; here she secured a job not through cleverness (she couldn't even solve an equation at her interview) but by boldly telling the interviewer, "Fuck it." This bold moment embodies Romy's sense of power: unconventional, rebellious, and deep-rooted. Yet beneath this surface lies a deep flaw, highlighted by a lack of sexual satisfaction in nearly two decades of marriage. Romy's relentless desire to make every aspect of her life perfect, from her carefully staged Christmas photos to her always dressed-up appearance, reveals a woman striving to correct the imperfections perceived by herself and those around her.
Babygirl explores the shifting forces of power and control in Romy's life, both within her family and in her budding relationship with Samuel, played with charismatic confidence by Harris Dickinson. Samuel, much younger than Romy, becomes a key figure in her journey to sexual liberation. She is first attracted to him after witnessing him taming an aroused dog on the street. As Romy becomes increasingly enthralled by Samuel's ability to navigate power relationships with ease and confidence, their roles become even more blurred, leading to a provocative power play in which the mentor seeks him for guidance in exploring her own body and desires. Romy and Samuel's encounter is marked by a palpable sense of forbidden seduction and discovery. Even before it begins, Romy and Samuel enjoy an intense foreplay that leads to their first sexual encounter. During a corporate outing, Samuel's casual yet deliberate act of ordering a glass of milk from Romy across the room becomes a quiet yet bold gesture that defines the unspoken game they are playing.